Uberize is a simple jQuery Plugin that allows to display a form that is similar to the form inside uber apps.
UBERIZE v1.0.0
DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/nashworks/uberize
Copyright 2014 Nashworks
Released under the MIT license
lT = label text (example/default is 4 labels)
iFT = input field type (example/default is 4 fields)
iFR = input field required (example/default is 4 fields)
iBT = input button type (example/default is 4 fields)
lTC = label text color
piXY = puck icons XY coordinates (example/default is 4 icons)
mBC = main background color is made of 3 rgb values (top and bottom colors and opacity)
pBC = puck background color is made of 3 rgb values (top and bottom colors and opacity)
pBBC = puck border color
pI = puck icons are made of 2 values (background color and path to the sprite)
pIBC = puck icon border color
lBC = line background color is made of 3 rgb values (top and bottom colors and opacity)
cBC = circle background color is made of 3 rgb values (top and bottom colors and opacity)
mW = main width
iFBC = input field background color
iBBC = input button background color
iFTC = input field text color
iBTC = input button text color
dBQO = database query operation (INSERT or UPDATE), please use second parameter to specify which rowID needs to be updated
$(‘#uberDiv’).uberize({lT:[‘EMAIL’,’MOBILE’,’PASSWORD’,’PHOTO’],iFT:[’email’,’tel’,’password’,’file’],iFR:[‘required’,’required’,’required’,”],iBT:[‘button’,’button’,’button’,’submit’],lTC:’#CCC’,iXY:[‘0 0′,’0 -34px’,’0 -68px’,’0 -102px’],mBC:[‘26,26,26′,’1,1,1′,’1’],pBC:[‘26,26,26′,’1,1,1′,’1′],pBBC:’#333’,pI:[‘#000′,’icons_white.png’],pIBC:’#333′,lBC:[‘26,26,26′,’26,26,26′,’1’],cBC:[‘26,26,26′,’26,26,26′,’1′],mW:’100%’,iFBC:’#000′,iBBC:’#000′,iFTC:’#CCC’,iBTC:’#CCC’,dBQO:[‘INSERT’,’0′]});