NASH OS 2024 SP2 Released!


We are very pleased to announce a new release

NASH OS 2024 Service Pack 2

It is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – amended mobile app with latest requirements for service network connection, notifications, and permissions
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements

If you are over one service pack behind, then please check Nash Community Blog for all service packs that you missed out to make sure you follow all important messages that are included with various service packs.

NASH OS 2024 SP1 Released!

nash operating system for ecommerce

We are very pleased to announce a new release

NASH OS 2024 Service Pack 1

It is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – amended mobile app with latest requirements for service network connection, notifications, and permissions
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements

If you are over one service pack behind, then please check Nash Community Blog for all service packs that you missed out to make sure you follow all important messages that are included with various service packs.

NASH OS 2024 Released!


We are very pleased to announce a new release

NASH OS 2024

It is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 6.8.1
### – amended mobile app with latest requirements for service network connection, notifications, and permissions
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements

If you are over one service pack behind, then please check Nash Community Blog for all service packs that you missed out to make sure you follow all important messages that are included with various service packs.

NASH OS 2023 Released!

NASH OS 2023

We are very pleased to announce a new release

NASH OS 2023

It is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 6.3.1
### – amended mobile app with latest requirements for service network connection, notifications, and permissions
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements

If you are over one service pack behind, then please check Nash Community Blog for all service packs that you missed out to make sure you follow all important messages that are included with various service packs.

NASH OS 2022 Released!

We are very pleased to announce a new release

NASH OS 2022

It is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 5.10.2
### – amended mobile app with latest requirements for service network connection, notifications, and permissions
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements

If you are over one service pack behind, then please check Nash Community Blog for all service packs that you missed out to make sure you follow all important messages that are included with various service packs.

NASH OS 2021 Released!

We are very pleased to announce a new release

NASH OS 2021

It is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 5.6.1
### – amended mobile app with latest requirements for service network connection, notifications, and permissions
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements

If you are over one service pack behind, then please check Nash Community Blog for all service packs that you missed out to make sure you follow all important messages that are included with various service packs.


We are very pleased to announce a new release


It is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements

If you are over one service pack behind, then please check Nash Community Blog for all service packs that you missed out to make sure you follow all important messages that are included with various service packs.

ProtoPenny 1.50 Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.50

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and core functions to meet latest browser and server requirements

ProtoPenny 1.48 Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.48

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade.

### – 2G or more of disk space
### – 8G or more of RAM
### – Apache v.2.4.41 or better
### – MySQL v.5.6.45 or better
### – PHP v.7.3.10 or better
### – ImageMagick v.7.0.8-67 or better
### – GD v.2.1.0 or better
### – Zlib v.1.2.11 or better
### – GzInflate enabled
### – cURL(libcurl) v.7.64.0 or better
### – Imagick extension installed and loaded
### – OAuth extension installed and loaded
### – OpenSSL extension installed and loaded
### – SimpleXML extension installed and loaded
### – EXPAT extension installed and loaded
### – IMAP extension installed and loaded
### – MOD_REWRITE extension installed and loaded
### – PHP compiled with Server API Apache 2 Handler (CGI or anything else is a bad idea!)
### – Catch-all email (must be available and enabled only if you want to use Hosted Emails System)
### – admin directory must NOT be renamed
### – SSL certificate installed
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and core functions to meet latest browser and server requirements

ProtoPenny 1.47 Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.47

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade.

### [ FEATURES ]
### – amended reCaptcha to accommodate changes in reCaptcha 2.0 API
### – protopenny analytics is updated to version 2.0.0

ProtoPenny 1.46 Released!




Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.46

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.46 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – amended payment gateway to accomodate changes in PayWeb3 API
### – added a bulk lister to post more than one product at once (in admin > bulk lister)
### – added XTENDERS feature (allows to charge more than one tender per each bid)

ProtoPenny 1.45 Released!




Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.45

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.45 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and core functions to meet latest browser and server requirements

ProtoPenny 1.44 Released!

ProtoPenny Big Screenshot

Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.44

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.44 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 4.3.2 (lots of bug fixes and speed improvements)

ProtoPenny 1.43 Released!

ProtoPenny Penny Auction Script

Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.43

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.43 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 4.0.28 (lots of bug fixes and speed improvements)

ProtoPenny 1.42 Released!

ProtoPenny Penny Auction Script

Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.42

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.42Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – amended Twitter Integration to accommodate changes in Twitter’s OAuth 2.0

ProtoPenny 1.41 Released!

ProtoPenny Penny Auction Script

Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.41.

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.41 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – added ability to toggle buy t-packs now medallion (in admin > skin settings)
### – added ability to toggle the statistics on auction details page (in admin > site settings)
### – added ability to toggle the seconds-increment behavior (in admin)
### – added discount option (in admin > post new auction)
### – added ability to toggle discount option display (in admin > site settings)
### – added winner shipping address (in admin > winner management)
### – a ‘not-made-by-nash’ custom skin should be updated to let the new features work properly

ProtoPenny 1.40 Released!

ProtoPenny Penny Auction Script

Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.40.

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.40 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – protopenny analytics is updated (accommodates changes from latest version of ProtoPenny)
### – the tiny-mce html editor is updated to version 4.0.1 (lots of bug fixes and speed improvements)
### – added slideshow system (in admin > slideshow settings)
### – added ability to toggle autobots per each auction at any given time (in auction details > dropdown)
### – added ability to toggle the type of bid column in history box on auction details page
### – added ability to toggle the requirement for new signups as beginners (site settings > enable beginners)
### – added ability to toggle the homepage welcome area (in admin > site settings > enable homepage welcome area)
### – added ability for users to purchase not-won auctions via their lost bids paying the difference of a retail price that may be (site settings > enable not-won auctions checkout)
### – added NFA-type of category (useful on sites where admins wish to trade lost bids for Not-For-Auction products)
### – added ability to disable registrations from same IP address (in admin > site settings > block registrations from same IP address)
### – a ‘not-made-by-nash’ custom skin should be updated to let the new features work properly

ProtoPenny 1.39 Released!

ProtoPenny Penny Auction Script

Dear Nashers,

We are pleased to announce the release of ProtoPenny 1.39.

The version is available for free upon your ticket submission in NDC Help Desk.

Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on the upgrade:
### v1.39 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – ability to set border radius (in site skin settings)
### – cumulative maintenance update
### – a ‘not-made-by-nash’ custom skin should be updated to let the new features work properly