The all-built-in-one, automatic, ready-to-go out-of-box, easy-to-use state-of-the-art, and really awesome Nash.Operating.System. Over 25,000+ flexible features and controls and all scalable!! The most powerful solution ever built to instantly deliver new heights of online enterprise to you.



~~~~ Just a few nice examples of what to expect from Nash.Operating.System ~~~~

Below are Not All features but the nicest ones to spotlight on here.

Multi-Channel Selling
Buyers & Sellers
  Bundle System
  Team System
  Co-Seller System
  My Collections
  MyFolders System
  Neighborhood Portal System
  Save For Later (Auctions)
  Warranty System
  Barcode System
  Textual Equivalent Bid System
  X-Link System
  Audio Bid Confirmation
  Live Bid Update System
  Combined Invoice System
  Inflation System
  UberRUSH Integration
  Print Postage Labels (
  Print Shipping Labels (PDF)
  Super-sized Zoomer
  Basic Default Zoomer
  Item Feed Cards
  Nash OS plugin for WordPress
  Visitor Alert Subscription System
  QR Code Generator
  Virtual Respect-Sticker System
  Buy-Sell-Ad-Space System
  Winners Recurring Payments
  SMS System (smsAchariya-based)
  SMS System (Clickatel-based)
  PDF Flyers
  TinyURL System
  Crazy Auction Format
  New Fee-based Charity Type: In Memoriam
  Live Countdown on Homepage
  Auto-Pinger Integration
  Search Engine Sitemap Builder – Automatic
  Search Engine Sitemap Builder – Manual
  Instant Payment Required to Buy-It-Now
  Featured Category on Homepage
  Saved Item Lists
  Twitter Integration
  Timeline Portal System
  Buyers Portal System
  Keywords Portal System
  My Summary Profiler
  Bidder Summary
  Listing Previewer
  Category Featured-Plus System
  Homepage Featured-Plus System
  Auction Ending Alert System
  Store Subscriptions Icons
  Start Auctions with a Bid
  Animations System
  First Time Seller Congratulation
  Custom Cats for Store Subscriptions
  Seller’s My Newsletters System
  Seller’s Discount List Organizer
  Pre-Approved Bidders System
  My Notebook
  In-The-Spotlight System
  Mobile Browser
  Give-Away System
  Website Item Promoter (Nash OS)
  Website Item Promoter (PrestaShop)
  Website Item Promoter (eCommerce)
  Inserts System
  Birthday Congratulations
  Window Shopping System
  Windows Live Product RSS file Builder
  Half Price Auction Format
  Shopping Cart for Stores
  Picture Manager System
  Reviews And Guides System
  Important Message Broadcaster
  Classified Ads System I (Stand-Alone)
  Classified Ads System II (Item Format)
  Mashup Based On Google Maps Integration
  World Wide Map For Country-based Site
  Nash Auction Format
  Auction Items Cross-Site Network
  All Categories Roll-out Super-Filters
  More Results with Fewer Searches System
  Keywords Extractor
  Buy It Now and Make Offer Methods Merger
  Featured Ending Soon Auctions Digest
  Banner Builder for Banner System
  Charity System
  Reserve Price vs Current Bid Range Checker
  Grouped Stores System
  Dual S/H Cost System
  CMA Global Announcement
  Users Score System
  Revision/Promotion Enhancer
  Avatar Presets System
  User Banner System
  Instant Digital Media Download System
  Users Avatar System
  Users Feedback at Glance
  Featured Stores on Home Page
  Stand-Alone Cat System
  Category Picture Gallery
  Minimal Cats System
  Sell In This Category
  Universal Browser Bookmark
  Power Buyer System
  Power Seller System
  Second Chance Offer
  Home Page Main Search Field Icon
  Home Page Main Tab Control
  Ended Auction Views
  Invite Friends System
  Members Area Important Messages
  Add Funds At Anytime
  Reverse Auctions
  Counters For Store Categories
  Bank Preferences
  Watch This Item Switch Auctiondetails Page
  New Item Icon
  New User Icon
  Total RSS Feed
  Shipping Calculator
  Search By Zip Radius
  Search By Main Category
  Search By Item Number
  Search By Custom Fields
  Search By 1 Dollar Or Less
  Regions And Suburbs Search
  Other Auction Sites Feedback Importer
  Listing Designer
  Image Previewer
  Counter Style
  Compare Auctions
  Action Auction
  Advanced Login
  Two-Factor Authentication
  Cookie Notice (EU cookie law)
  Anti-Virus System
  Data Backup/Restore System
  MySQL Logger
  MySQL Cacher
  Current Admins Viewer
  Admin Avatar System
  reCAPTCHA Integration
  Member ID Verification
  Phone Verification System
  ID Verification via SMS device
  Adult Verification System
  Phone Support (fee-based)
  Shill-Bid Monitoring System
  Rating System
  Latest Feedback Scroller
  MyNotifications System
  Push Notifications for Nash OS Apps
  Smart Thank-you-page After Registration
  After Activation Page
  Google Analytics Integration
  Session Time-out Controler
  Credit Card Data Register
  Credit Card Encryptor and Zapper
  Escrow Service (internal)
  Geo-IP Ban System
  Secret Question Answer System
  Category and Auction Password Protection
  Who Is Online System
Stock Themes
UX & Navigation
  Slideshow System
  Quick Registration Page
  2-Page Registration
  Sign-Out Important Messages
  New Improved Pagination
  Tiny-MCE HTML Editor Integration
 Local Weather Forecaster (US only)
  Skin Changer
  Various Auctiondetails Pages
  Homepage Welcome Messages
  Store Kit
  Customizable Members Area
  Forums & Subforums
  Groups (Private or Public)
  Popular Groups
  Chat Rooms
  Blogs & Vlogs
  Photo Galleries
  Private Messaging
Payment Gateways
  Paypal Website Payment Pro
  Account Funds Payment Method
  Payment Simulator
Admin Features
 Features & Settings Demo
  NashOS Rest API
  Admin Dark Mode
  God View
  Navigational Favorites
  Heatmap System
  Google Web Fonts Integration
  Speech Recognition
  Arcade Room
  Voucher Styles
  Email Que System
  Hosted Emails System
  Google AdSense Integration
  Listing Designer Template Maker
  Title Template Maker
  Store Template Maker
  Skin Template Manager
  Google Webpage Translator Integration
  eBay Affiliate Listings Integration
  Voucher Usage Tracker
  Google Gadgets Integration
  My Sitemap Maker
  Google Maps Integration
  Server Farm for Images
  Visual Charts System
  Automatic Banner Insertion System
  External Linking System
  Link Exchange Program
  Admin Panel Style Changer
  User Browser and OS Organizer
  User Unsubscribe Email System
  Admin Newsletters System
  My Site Investment Versus Income Tracker
  Custom Feedback System
  Admin Help System
  Live Help System
  Interactive User Help System
  Site Categories Exporter
  Country-based Website System
  Admin Email Tester
  Site Stats Super Viewer
  Gzip Page Compressor/Optimizer
  Polls System
  Quick Admin Login
  Instant Image Watermarker
  Instant Image Resizer And Rescaler
  Smart Admin Invoice System
  Commission System
  Referral System
  Recurring Fees
  Non-Deliverable Email Filter
  Feedback Congratulations
  Extend Auction Time
  Category Flash Logos
  Terms & Conditions
  Privacy Policy
  Site Fees Rollout
  Nashelp-Desk Integration
Desktop Apps for Nash OS
  Nash Screenshot Utility
 Auction Watcher

and on and on and on for 25,000+ various size tools, features, systems are all included into one amazing toolbox with which you can literally build any business niche website whether it is auctions, reverse, classifieds, shops, forums, blogs, social platform, real estate, car dealer, live offline auctions, digital downloads, help desk, live chat, swap-meet, make an offer, wanted ads, escrow services, payment services, seo service, advertising service (a-la google adwords), the most complete combined invoicing for any reason or business niche, the most complete vouchers for any reason or business niche, the most complete custom fields for any reason or business niche, the most complete taxation and accounting for any reason or business niche, the most complete SSL support, private or public site…. are you still in your chair or fell off of it already.

Nash.Operating.System has it all:

24 thoughts on “NASH OS

  1. Also would like to know where to report bugs.

    How about a way to import a file like this

    101-715981010503-LTC-1,images/101-715981010503-LTC-1.jpg,”Smoke Smart”,”Smoke SmartWEAN YOURSELF OFF CIGARETTES!SmokeSmart creates ultra fine perforations in the base of the cigarette, causing cool air to enter the cigarette and mix with the hot gases. This process results in the condensation of harmful cigarette toxins, trapping nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and Total Particulate Matter in the micro-filter before they reach your mouth and lungs.REDUCES DANGEROUS TOXINS: Nicotine: 62% Tar: 72% Carbon Monoxide: 80%YOU CONTROL the number of perforations, gradually reducing the nicotine and chemicals at your own pace! Convenient pocket size makes it easy to take anywhere!”,8.96,1,25,,”As Seen On Tv Ltc”,Beauty-ltc,,”Taxable Goods”,Active,EOREOR
    101-735541311994-LTC-1,images/101-735541311994-LTC-1.jpg,”Filljet Inkjet Kit Color and Black”,”Filljet Inkjet Kit Color & BlackDon’t replace your color inkjet cartridge, refill it and save money instead! Works with ALL printer and fax inkjet cartridges. Any make or model – we guarantee it! Its fast, clean, and easy! Full technical support is available if needed.Kit includes:3 – 25 ml bottles of ink for 3 to 6 refills – Cyan, Magenta, and YellowInjectorFilling needleSealing plug and screw extractorPrimer bottleBall FittingsEasy to use instructions “,17.99,1,25,,”As Seen On Tv Ltc”,Electronics,,”Taxable Goods”,Active,EOREOR

    or like this

    “Item #”,”Product Name”,”Product Description”,”Product description orignal html”,Brand,”category 1″,”category 2″,”category 3″,”category 4″,”Retail Price”,”Wholesale Price Before Markup”,”MAP Price”,”Handling fee”,Weight,”Qty in stock”,”In Stock”,UPC,”Image name”,”URL to large image”,”URL to thumb image”,”refurbished flag”,”Attribute list”,”Fixed shipping price”,”manufacturer prod id”,”shipping length”,”shipping width”,”shipping height”
    ACC-0001,”10 Blue Dice – 16 mm”,”10 Blue Dice. Standard Dimensions of 16mm cubed. These dice have rounded corners and a vivid translucent coloring.”,”10 Blue Dice. Standard Dimensions of 16mm cubed. These dice have rounded corners and a vivid translucent coloring.”,,”Toys And Games”,”Poker / Casino Supplies”,”Accessories – Craps”,,3.89,2.99,,0,0.12,25,Y,,ACC-0001.jpg,,,N,,1.1,ACC-0001,,,
    ACC-0002,”10 Blue Dice – 19 mm”,”10 Blue Dice. Standard Dimensions of 19mm cubed. These dice have rounded corners and a vivid translucent coloring.”,”10 Blue Dice. Standard Dimensions of 19mm cubed. These dice have rounded corners and a vivid translucent coloring.”,,”Toys And Games”,”Poker / Casino Supplies”,”Accessories – Craps”,,3.89,2.99,,0,0.15,25,Y,,ACC-0002.jpg,,,N,,1.1,ACC-0002,,,

    This would allow people to import items from drop shippers. Might me a good way to get a site moving by getting lots of items on it is a short period of time. People tend to use a site if it has lots of items on it when they come. It makes them want to list also.

  2. any bugs and steps to reproduce them should always be posted in support desk – which is here: – also the support desk is for actual customers and not for no-longer-customers who have expired licenses or expired subscriptions or were blocked/banned for breaking the terms of service – simply put that one has to be a TOS-abiding customer in order to be served at this establishment –

  3. unfortunately we are not going to let any unformatted and unprepared csv file to get into nash os – its clear as a daylight that csv fields can be formatted differently and might be even a waste of time for nash os to process some of them – so to avoid that all entirely – nash os requires csv files to be formatted for the nash os and not the way around – a good starting point on how to prepare csv files for the import into nash os can be found in Members Area > Sell > MyFolders > CSV Bulklisting > Sample CSV File

    UPDATE AS OF MAY 2015: the NASH OS now supports automatic reformatting of csv files – in other words you might be able to throw a partially formatted csv file at it – and NASH OS will attempt to correct your csv file – if it cannot then it will cancel your action as unsuccessful –

  4. It would be good if we could add unique page titles , meta tags, meta descriptions ,etc. to the classified category pages. It would come in handy for seo.
    Just add the fields to the categories table and the php page should be able to pull them out everytime it loads.
    Minor mod : Great Seo effect.

  5. thanks for a great feature request – we’ll have it done after we’re done with paid requests – thou might take a while for a free request to get into nash os these days as we accept paid requests practically daily – so as an alternative please consider a paid request instead so your feature request can be done without further due –

    NOTE: if you are not in a hurry then this webpage is a place for your free feature requests for nash os –

  6. Hi, license nash os standard, (99$, 399$, 699$, 999$)is for life? I mean in case of home our professional, when the 1 year of support is over, the license 4ever right? we only loose the technical support and the free upgrades right?

    1. since we only know english – all languages by default have english words and if you need them all or only one language to be translated to your language – then simply translate the english words into your language words via nash os admin panel –

      we could have used robot-translator but it wouldn’t be perfect translation and would have to be re-translated by the site owner anyway – so we leave the translation from english to a country language to the site owner – but the multi-language ability is already in the core of the system –

      hope that explains why you see english words under the stock site setup as thats what it is in the demo site which is the stock nash os without any customizations –

  7. Hi, but you dont use google translator to translate with robot-translator? because google translate i in the most of cases translate well. In in demo i cant enter in the admin panel, do you have a demo wich i can enter and see the admin panel?

    in this option (only 7 usd a month via paypal which you can cancel paypal subscription once you finished evaluating everything including the admin panel) it have full technical support, free upgrade?

    My personnal opinion when i see you demo was bad, because looks like a weak site, layouts, icons are too weak, doesn´t seem a professional work, saw in “weakers scripts” with less tools a great view and a powerful site. in the site says the most complete script in the world, why you use a basic blog to show your script?

    Sorry for my opnion but i really want to try this but right now i have a lot of questions and doubt.

    ps. I want to see if the price you asking is fair for the service you give, because exist a lot of scripts, like ebay standard for much less money…

    1. >>> google translate i in the most of cases translate well

      most cases but not all – that’s why the translation is left to site owners who know the language better than robot-translator –

      however in the admin panel you can enable to robot-translate all nash os automatically anyway but not for all 57 languages – as google translate do not translate to all 57 languages that are available in nash os – so those languages that are not covered b google robot-translate will still need to be translated by the site owner –

      >>> In in demo i cant enter in the admin panel, do you have a demo which i can enter and see the admin panel?

      then use second option that i gave you above to evaluate the script – it is located at – it is 7 usd monthly subscription to use it while evaluating it and you can cancel subscription to it at any time via your account on –

      >>> in this option (only 7 usd a month via paypal which you can cancel paypal subscription once you finished evaluating everything including the admin panel) it have full technical support, free upgrade?

      yes for free upgrades but not for free tech support – if you need free tech support then you need to see above at the nash os editions to select appropriate license –

      >>> My personal opinion when i see you demo was bad, because looks like a weak site, layouts, icons are too weak, doesn´t seem a professional work, saw in “weakers scripts” with less tools a great view and a powerful site.

      normally basic designs are not supposed to be better then custom designs – most scripts dont even have basic designs out of the box – but rather just a simple framework for site owner to customize –

      >>> in the site says the most complete script in the world, why you use a basic blog to show your script?

      first of all i prefer wordpress blog because it is in fact most popular blog software in the world – secondly blogs are used by every major software company to promote their products –

      if you looking for looks out of the box instead of functionality – then you might want to check out probid-toy script – it has the looks but little functionality when you first install it –

      >>> Sorry for my opnion but i really want to try this but right now i have a lot of questions and doubt.

      all those who tried other scripts before nash os – always stay with nash os unless they read too quickly thru what im saying –

      >>> ps. I want to see if the price you asking is fair for the service you give, because exist a lot of scripts, like ebay standard for much less money…

      i dare you to try them all before nash os to learn that none of them offer 25,000+ feature all-in-one toggleable toolbox –

      but you will be blaming yourself that you did not go with nash os before you wasted all your money on other script –

      always keep in mind if a stock look too slick design-wise then everyone is using it – and you will look the same like any other site that uses the same stock design –

      therefore we provide ability in admin panel to redesign the skin look the way you want your site to stand out from the crowd –

      and we leave that to the site owner to change the look of the site the way it should look and that change of looks can be done in admin panel directly –

  8. Hi, Nash thanks for the fast answer, can you show me examples of looks of your script? Like “Professional” looks, i mean when the people enter the site really aprochiate the look and the tools

    1. please take a tour at which can show what stock layouts are included with nash os – also during the tour you will see where in admin you can redesign your site – just open and then click on the ‘take a tour’ link in the menu at the top of the screen –

      if you need a closer look at all nash os features then you can open a quick test site for yourself at – this is the best way to learn the nash os before bying a license for your own site –

  9. I Have tried several built out sites or complete packages but nash os is simply amazing! Is there any issues with importing members database from ppb 6.11 you are aware of?

    1. Thanks!

      We do porting of user databases to nash os from other scripts all the time and to a custom order only –

      the only culprit that usually comes across is incompatible user password encryption/decryption methods used among scripts –

      so in order to eliminate encryption mismatch the admin needs to email users with their new passwords that are generated by nash os during porting process –

  10. nash os is mostly used in ecommerce sites. This colossal set of 25K+ tools and features of nash os supports mobile ecommerce. nash os also perks up the conversion rate and return on investment for responsible online businesses. It provides all-embracing and robust operational capabilities due to its economical deployment.

  11. Hello I would love to be able to create listings with variations for size and color. Instead of creating a different listings for each item that has several options, it would be nice to create one listing with multi-quantity fixed price listing that includes all the variations the seller has for that product. For example, a t-shirt might come in multiple colors and sizes. Buyers can select which variation they want to purchase from the single listing.

  12. not sure if you have it tried yet but NASH OS offers ability for buyers to specify which color or size or style or anything else they want an item they are about to bid or buy-it-now from seller – it is done via buyer notes for seller on the bid/checkout page – furthermore if a seller has certain stock or variations then he/she can specify that in the description as information for a buyer – so a buyer can see it or read it – and then isolate what they want and specify that to the seller as noted above – hope that helps for the time being~

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