The end of 2019 is near, thus I wanted to thank you for visiting this blog of mine…
It means a lot to me that you visit the site, use our products and services, and give us a great feedback. I hope it was a good year for you to discover our products and services, and make awesome site or sites. Helping you make great sites and making your job easier is what this site is all about, and I wanted to thank you for joining us and being part of this community. It really means a lot. Thanks!
We have some HUGE things planned for next year. More video tutorials (duh!), hundreds of new features, tools, toggles, options, skins in the works, huge updates for our current products, as well as various apps targeting mobile devices to help you even further with your site assistance, design and overall operation, and of course, all the other fun stuff like short movies, wallpapers, and more music. Here is to another great year! Keep learning and making sites!
Here are a few things that 2019 brought in:
### – Full PHP7 Rollout
### – added Nash OS Manuals
### – added Admin Dark Mode
### – added PayFast Payment Processor
### – added ability for admin to view the usage of language wordage through out entire site
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 5.1.3
As always, have a look at the main feature list for Nash OS, as some of the features from previous years have been expanded this year.