Tag: Nash
Stay Calm and Nash On (Another Great Year of Nash)
The end of 2016 is near, thus I wanted to thank you for visiting this blog of mine…
It means a lot to me that you visit the site, use our products and services, and give us a great feedback. I hope it was a good year for you to discover our products and services, and make awesome site or sites. Helping you make great sites and making your job easier is what this site is all about, and I wanted to thank you for joining us and being part of this community. It really means a lot. Thanks!
We have some HUGE things planned for next year. More video tutorials (duh!), hundreds of new features, tools, toggles, options, skins in the works, huge updates for our current products, as well as new Nashelp/Nashop App for mobile devices to help you even further with your site assistance, design and overall operation, and of course, all the other fun stuff like short movies, wallpapers, and more music. Here is to another great year! Keep learning and making sites!
Here are a few things that 2016 brought in:
### – added ability for admin to set setting favorites which help to minimize the time to find them everytime you need them (in admin > at the top of navigation)
### – added ability for admin to change various row order by dragging up or down (in admin views, where row order is applicable)
### – added Square Payment Gateway Processor
### – added category-based UberRUSH Integration (in admin > enable/disable settings > UberRUSH)
### – added single step SYI process (in admin > general settings > SYI process)
### – added Bundle System for sellers to be able to have multiple items for the price of one item (in admin > auctions > bundle system)
### – added Two-Factor Authentication (in admin > security > two-factor authentication)
### – added Team System to allow sellers employ other members (in admin > teams)
### – added new stock theme (Centerpiece skin)
### – added new auction details style to accommodate new skin design (admin > general settings > auction details page > select layout 3)
### – added ability for admin to separately place various slideshows in stores, categories, community main pages or the homepage (admin > site content > slideshow > location)
### – added my collections system (an ability for users collect and show off items of interest which in turn add more quality content that attracts search engines)
### – added ability for guests to post limited number of items, until they get FULLY registered (very powerful feature that allows to bring more sellers to your website)
### – added Fulfilment by Amazon to Multi-Channel Selling System (ebay channel)
### – added ability for admin banners to auto-rotate like a slideshow (admin > site content > banner ad control panel)
### – added ability for admin to add fee tiers per item to each channel in multi-channel selling (admin > multi-channel selling > channel)
### – added ability for users to view a chart that compares all channel fees per each item (members area > multi-channel selling > chart)
### – added item features to SYI process on mobile app
### – added ability for users to add funds via mobile app
### – amended nash rich media in comunity-360 portion of Nash OS to accommodate improved css technology
### – amended title templates to accommodate improved css technology
### – added nashop connection to title templates view in admin panel
### – amended skin templates to accommodate improved css technology
### – added nashop connection to skin templates view in admin panel
### – added ability for admin to comply with EU Cookie Law (in admin > security > cookie notice)
### – amended listing designer templates to accommodate improved css technology
### – added nashop connection to listing designer templates view in admin panel
### – added additional style for admin login screen (in admin > site setup > admin login style)
### – added ability for admin to test the nash os app for android (in admin > mobile device > email android app)
### – added ability for buyers to leave comments for sellers via mobile version
### – added MyMessages to mobile version
### – added bidding on items to mobile version
### – added retract bids for buyers to mobile version
### – added Stripe Payment Gateway Processor
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 4.3.2
### – full support up to MySQL 5.6.30
### – full support up to PHP 5.6.24
### – full support up to ImageMagick 6.9.5-4
### – removed openinvite addressbook feature (due to openinvite retired for good)
As always, have a look at the main feature list for Nash OS, as some of the features from previous years have been expanded this year.
A Happy New Year 2016!!!! We love you more than ever before!!! For that, we have a great news of a new product from Nash! Ask us for details!!
A Happy New Year 2016!!!! We love you more than ever before!!! For that, we have a great news of a new product from Nash! Ask us for details!!
Posted by Nashop on Saturday, January 2, 2016
Nash Operating System 2016 SP1 Released!
Dear Nashers,
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2016 SP1
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2016 SP1 Changelog
### – initialize language database (in admin > manual cron jobs > initialize language database)
### [ FEATURES ]
### – TinyMCE html editor is updated to version 4.3.2
### – added additional style for admin login screen (in admin > site setup > admin login style)
### – added ability for admin to test the nash os app for android (in admin > mobile device > email android app)
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
Stay Calm and Nash On (Another Great Year of Nash)
The end of 2015 is near, thus I wanted to thank you for visiting this blog of mine…
It means a lot to me that you visit the site, use our products and services, and give us a great feedback. I hope it was a good year for you to discover our products and services, and make awesome site or sites. Helping you make great sites and making your job easier is what this site is all about, and I wanted to thank you for joining us and being part of this community. It really means a lot. Thanks!
We have some HUGE things planned for next year. More video tutorials (duh!), hundreds of new features, tools, toggles, options, skins in the works, huge updates for our current products, as well as the re-design of Nashelp/Nashop to accommodate the plethora of useful tools from Nash specifically designed to help you even further with your site security, design and overall operation, and of course, all the other fun stuff like short movies, wallpapers, and finally some music. Here is to another great year! Keep learning and making sites!
Here are a few things that 2015 brought in:
### – added ability for buyers to leave comments for sellers via mobile version
### – added MyMessages to mobile version
### – added bidding on items to mobile version
### – added retract bids for buyers to mobile version
### – added Stripe Payment Gateway Processor
### – amended mobile version to meet latest browser requirements
### – all flash-based charts converted to js-based charts
### – added support of custom fields to bonanza, woocommerce, ebay (in admin > auctions > custom fields management > multi-channel selling field toggle)
### – added Microsoft Edge support
### – amended operating system detector to accommodate new requirements in windows 10
### – added Barcode System for Non-Books (lets users to auto-fill the Item Title and Description using the UPC code)
### – added ability for sellers to print out postage labels for sold items (in admin > print prepaid postage labels)
### – added ability for shopkeepers to sell/revise items via their mobile app (see previous service pack for more info on the feature)
### – added ability for admin to customize the infobar message (in admin > enable-disable > infobar)
### – amended MyFolders to streamline the import process of a CSV file
### – amended reCAPTCHA to accommodate google’s changes to the HTTPS usage
### – added ability for sellers to connect multiple sites that are based on Nash.Operating.System as opposed to a single site as previously (members area > my external items)
### – added ability for sellers to connect multiple sites that are based on osCommerce as opposed to a single site as previously (members area > my external items)
### – added ability for sellers to connect multiple sites that are based on PrestaShop as opposed to a single site as previously (members area > my external items)
### – added ability to auto-promote seller’s external items in any category view
### – added ability to auto-promote seller’s external items within his topics and replies (Forum area of Community360)
### – added ability for admin to offer a mobile app for shopkeepers (in admin > members > member management > member details > mobile app)
### – added shopify and woocommerce integrations to multi-channel selling system
### – added modern pagination style (in admin > general settings > pagination)
### – added etsy and bonanza integrations to multi-channel selling system
### – added external linking widget to blog views
### – added visitor alert subscription system to blog views
### – added article thumbnail in blogs to visualize what your article is about
### – added new position for admin banner in blog views
### – amended spotlight seller feature by adding spotlight seller items and blogs to homepage
### – added ability for admin to force forum moderators to be the only who can start a new topic (in admin > community > forums moderators)
### – added picture carousel to specialty links (in admin > site content > specialty links box)
### – added ability for admin to feature multiple categories on homepage (in admin > categories > hp featured categories)
### – amended ssl feature to cover entire site with https except admin panel that really needs no https
### – added fee-based Multi-Channel Selling System (allows users to simultaneously sell their items on various sites via your site)
### – added amazon and ebay integrations to multi-channel selling system
### – amended external linking widget by incorporating addthis.com tools (in admin > tools > external linking widget)
### – added ability for admin to run all cron jobs in one shot (in admin > manual cron jobs > cronbatch)
### – added ability to accommodate multiple posted items that can be offered as a swap
### – added Current Admins Viewer (CAViewer) which is good for sites with multiple sub-admins (in admin > members > admins management)
### – added admin avatar system (in admin > members > admins management)
### – added ability for admin to utilize Social Logins such as Facebook and Google+ (in admin > general settings > social logins)
### – added Nash OS Updates to admin panel (you can now update Nash.Operating.System directly from your admin panel)
### – added ability to auto-link skins to their own templates upon changing skins in admin (admin > general settings > site setup > site skin > autolink to template)
### – added ability to auto-link skins to their own templates upon changing skins via skin changer on user-end
### – added discount labels over item pictures thru-out entire system (not just on auction details page as previously)
### – removed backlinkpagerank feature from admin (due to backlinkpagerank website closure)
### – removed google gadgets feature (due to google phased out gadgets for good)
Nash Operating System 2016 Released!
Dear Nashers,
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2016
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2016 Changelog
### – initialize language database (in admin > manual cron jobs > initialize language database)
### [ FEATURES ]
### – added ability for buyers to leave comments for sellers via mobile version
### – added MyMessages to mobile version
### – added bidding on items to mobile version
### – added retract bids for buyers to mobile version
### – added Stripe Payment Gateway Processor
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
Nash Operating System 2015 SP16 Released!
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP16
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP16 Changelog
### – set up new cron job for cron/cron_request_feedback.php file and set it to run twice a month
### [ FEATURES ]
### – amended mobile version to meet latest browser requirements
### – Bug fixes and speed improvements (you absolutely need this version!!)
Nash Operating System 2015 SP15 Released!
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP15
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP15 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – all flash-based charts converted to js-based charts
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
Nash Operating System 2015 SP14 Released!
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP14
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP14 Changelog
### – initialize language database (in admin > manual cron jobs > initialize language database)
### [ FEATURES ]
### – added support of custom fields to bonanza, woocommerce, ebay (in admin > auctions > custom fields management > multi-channel selling field toggle)
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
Nash Operating System 2015 SP13 Released!
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP13
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP13 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – added Microsoft Edge support
### – amended operating system detector to accommodate new requirements in windows 10
### – added Barcode System for Non-Books (lets users to auto-fill the Item Title and Description using the UPC code)
Nash Operating System 2015 SP12 Released!
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP12
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP12 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
Nash Operating System 2015 SP11 Released!
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP11
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP11 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
### – removed google gadgets feature (due to google phased out gadgets for good)
### – added ability for sellers to print out postage labels for sold items (in admin > print prepaid postage labels)
Nash Operating System 2015 SP10 Released!
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP10
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP10 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
### – added ability for shopkeepers to sell/revise items via their mobile app (see previous changelog for more info on the app’s subject)
John Nash is dead! But he’s alive forever in Nash OS!!
Having said that, I am a John-Nash-Fan for his math equilibrium that we even dedicated entire operating system to his name, you would have remembered that from over 10 years ago when we noted in the old forums that we were looking for a good name for the marketplace platform we have created, and since John Nash’s Equilibrium is a perfectly detailed recipe for auctions, and coincidently, his name matched mine, it was presumed that NASH OS would be a perfect homage to illustrate his genius equilibrium to everyone. So it took us over 11 years to reach the point that his equilibrium is finally has a physical face and it is called NASH OS.
The yesterday’s death of John Nash, took us by surprise, as we really wanted him to learn one day, that his equilibrium truly works in NASH OS. But it is too late now. Just wish there were more intellectual people like him out there, then we would have a better society as a whole. So we are sad because of him going away from all of us, but we are smiling of his true spirit that stays in NASH OS forever. It’s him who gave us years and years of never ending energy! We love you forever!
Rest In Peace, John! But you’re alive forever in my heart!
Nash Operating System 2015 SP9 Released!
Dear Nashers,
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP9
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP9 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – added ability for admin to customize the infobar message (in admin > enable-disable > infobar)
### – amended MyFolders to streamline the import process of a CSV file
### – amended reCAPTCHA to accommodate google’s changes to the HTTPS usage
### – added ability for sellers to connect multiple sites that are based on Nash.Operating.System as opposed to a single site as previously (members area > my external items)
### – added ability for sellers to connect multiple sites that are based on osCommerce as opposed to a single site as previously (members area > my external items)
### – added ability for sellers to connect multiple sites that are based on PrestaShop as opposed to a single site as previously (members area > my external items)
### – added ability to auto-promote seller’s external items in any category view
### – added ability to auto-promote seller’s external items within his topics and replies (Forum area of Community360)
### – added ability for admin to offer a mobile app for shopkeepers (in admin > members > member management > member details > mobile app)
Nash Operating System 2015 SP8 Released!
Dear Nashers,
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP8
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP8 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
### – added shopify and woocommerce integrations to multi-channel selling system
Nash Operating System 2015 SP7 Released!
Dear Nashers,
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP7
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP7 Changelog
### – PHP5.x compiled with OAuth support
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
### – added modern pagination style (in admin > general settings > pagination)
### – added etsy and bonanza integrations to multi-channel selling system
Nash Operating System 2015 SP6 Released!
Dear Nashers,
We are very pleased to announce the release of Nash Operating System 2015 SP6
It is available for free upon your ticket submission in Nashelp Desk or directly from the admin area of your website.
Please ensure you backup both your files and databases before embarking on any new release.
### v2015 SP6 Changelog
### [ FEATURES ]
### – this is a large cumulative update for skins and service core functions to meet latest browser requirements
### – added external linking widget to blog views
### – added visitor alert subscription system to blog views
### – added article thumbnail in blogs to visualize what your article is about
### – added new position for admin banner in blog views
### – amended spotlight seller feature by adding spotlight seller items and blogs to homepage
### – added ability for admin to force forum moderators to be the only who can start a new topic (in admin > community > forums moderators)
### – added picture carousel to specialty links (in admin > site content > specialty links box)