Nash OS for Beginners 2016 Tutorial Series | Chapter 3:

In chapter three of the Nash OS for Beginners 2016 Foundation Course, we’re going to explore what is, and what it’s capable of.

Hello and welcome back. Chances are if you have visited Nash Help Desk, you’d have seen the big button that says: Rent By Month. Clicking the button opens Nash website, where anyone can have an e-commerce in less than 10 minutes. How’s it possible to have a website in such a short timeframe? A non-technical answer would be that your future website is embedded into the server variables and all you need to do is to fill out those variables in the form provided to you on the homepage. is a place to rent Nash OS on a monthly basis. First of, you would like to take a tour to see what Nash OS has to offer. If you have any questions toward Nash OS rentals then you’d click to visit ‘about us’ pages where you can find more information on terms, privacy, website types, DMCA, and complaints if any. Once finished, then proceed to the actual website set up. You start by clicking on START A SITE button. Proceed to choose an address for your website name. Next, choose a username for your website’s admin panel. Next, choose a password for your website’s admin panel. Do not forget to re-type the password. Next, put your PayPal email to activate your website. Next, choose your monthly plan from several different ones. It is needless to repeat that you agree to service terms by creating your website. Finally, click on CREATE SITE button, which takes you to next view where you must verify and confirm all fields before making your first payment. Once completed a payment, you will be greeted with a message that states your website is being built. It takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete your website set up. During waiting time, you will receive a welcome letter into your email that you provided previously. Make sure to save your welcome letter that has all the required details you will need to access and run your website. The good part is that you will be automatically notified on your screen when your website is ready. The first thing you do once you see your website ready is to navigate to admin panel and follow details provided inside your welcome letter. Finish up details in admin as per letter and you are good to go! Congratulations, you’re now a proud nasher of Nash OS! You can enjoy renting Nash OS, but if your site grows exponentially, then you might want to look into, actually owning your own site, instead of renting by purchasing Nash OS license, and host your own website, which allows to use your own domain, instead a rented domain. So to sum up: Renting Nash OS is another way to take back the e-commerce with Nash OS.

Now, that you know a little bit more about, let’s talk about Nash Self Installing Application – The app to get Nash OS for free!

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